Summer tomato tart
There is nothing like home grown tomatoes, the flavour is unbeatable. I even love the smell of the tomato plant. I love to grow my own tomatoes and every year I tend to get overly excited about quantities and varieties. Doesn't seem like a problem until they all start to ripen at the same time and I have kilos of tomatoes to use. As much as I like gazpacho I can only make so much and so many variations so I am always on the look out for inspiration on ways to enjoy these wonderful fruits.
The combination of tomatoes I used in this recipe is what I had on hand, feel free to use whatever tomatoes you choose. I would recommend you make sure you have cherry tomatoes in the mix!
2 hojas de hojaldre / 2 sheets of puff pastry
1 taza de cebolla caramelizada (caramelizada con miel y vinagre balsámico) / 1 cup of caramelised onions (I caramelised using honey and balsamic vinegar)
2 cucharadas de vinagre balsámico / 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 cucharada de aceite de oliva / 1 tablespoon olive oil
3 dientes de ajo picados / 3 cloves garlic minced
250 gr de tomates cherry mixtos / 250 gr mixed cherry tomatoes
2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva / 2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 tomates tipo heirloom en rodajas / 2 heirloom tomatoes sliced
3 tomates kumato / 3 kumato tomatoes
1 tomate raff cortado por la mitad / 1 raff tomato cut in half
1 tomate corazón de buey / 1 corazón de buey tomato
100 gr de queso cheddar maduro rallado / 100 gr mature cheddar grated
sal / salt
250 gr de queso burrata / 250 gr burrata cheese
2 cucharadas de albahaca / 2 tablespoons fresh basil
fresca pimienta negra fresca / fresh black pepper
Precalienta el horno a 210°C, forra la bandeja de horno con papel de horno o utiliza el papel del hojaldre. / Preheat oven to 210 c and line baking tray with parchment paper or I used paper from puff pastry.
Colocar el hojaldre en la bandeja y colocar encima la segunda pieza. Presione suavemente para que se peguen. / Place on puff pastry on the tray and they lay on top the second piece. Press gently so they stick together.
En un tazón pequeño agrega los tomates cherry, el vinagre balsámico, el ajo y una pizca de sal. En otro recipiente agrega los tomates restantes, el aceite de oliva y la sal y mezcla para cubrir / In a small bowl add the cherry tomatoes, balsamic vinegar, garlic and a pinch of salt. In another bowl add the remains tomatoes, olive oil and salt and toss to coat
Esparce las cebollas caramelizadas uniformemente sobre el hojaldre dejando un borde de aproximadamente 1 1/2 cm. / Spread the caramelised onions evenly over the puff pastry leaving about 1 1/2 cm boarder.
Coloca los tomates heirloom en rodajas sobre las cebollas caramelizadas. Luego agrega los tomates más grandes en el patrón que desees y luego rellanelos con los tomates cherry y rocía por encima la mezcla de balsámico restante. / Arrange the sliced heirloom tomatoes over the caramelised onions. Then add the larger tomatoes in whatever pattern you desire and then fill in with the cherry tomatoes and drizzle over remaining balsamic mixture.
Espolvorea por encima el queso cheddar / Sprinkle over cheddar cheese
Hornea 25-30 minutos o hasta que la corteza esté inflada y dorada y los tomates se hayan reventado. A mitad de la cocción, saca la tarta y corte suavemente los tomates más grandes con un cuchillo para ayudar a acelerar el proceso de cocción. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until the crust is puffed and deep golden and the tomates have burst. Half way through the cooking take the tart out and gently slice the larger tomates with a pairing knife to help speed up the cooking process.
Retira y deja reposar durante unos minutos antes de cubrir con burrata, hojas frescas de albahaca y pimienta negra recién molida. / Remove and let sit for a few minutes before topping with burrata, fresh basil leaves and fresh ground black pepper.
Recipe inspired by Half Baked Harvest